Banned again cause of a toxic admin


New member
Banned again for no reason like the last time
Seems like the pedo Alyssa who was dating a 13yo wont leave me alone :/


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Staff member
I have not once dated anyone younger than me nor have I dated anyone online. I don’t even like to talk to people significantly younger than me so for you to be spread false rumors about me is astronomical. Call me toxic all you want but the false rumors is not it. What did you think you’d gain from such a rumor? You’re not getting unbanned especially not after this. Have a nice day.


New member
Lmfao i got evidence and im gonna report ur ass i dont speak without evidence and im gonna get unbanned cause i didn't break any rule power abuser and a pedo.
I have not once dated anyone younger than me nor have I dated anyone online. I don’t even like to talk to people significantly younger than me so for you to be spread false rumors about me is astronomical. Call me toxic all you want but the false rumors is not it. What did you think you’d gain from such a rumor? You’re not getting unbanned especially not after this. Have a nice day.


New member
Don't ask me to do something the popo would care much about evidence lol
But dont think im joking imma give u the toxicity that u give to ppl specially after not wanting to leave my business